General Membership Meeting of the Holland Amateur Radio Club
February 13, 2012

-	Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by club president, Ike, K8EMU.  There were 22 people in attendance.
-	The minutes of the January general meeting were approved as read.
-	Treasurer’s report:  Hamfest account $2,500.00 and general fund $1,975, for a total of $4,475.00.  This report was read and approved. 
Old Business:
-	Tom, K8TB read an email that the club received from a person who thought that the HARC was a club in the Netherlands! 
-	Ike continued to look at filling the open committee slots. 
-	Education committee is now filled by appointing Chris, KC8RQT.  Chris and the membership had a talk about educating ourselves, and that we should look at simple kits to build. Various ideas were put forth. 
-	Emergency committee.  Ike will contact Steve Vanderhill about filling this slot. 

New Business:
-	Ed, KF8EV asked for more net controls for the Monday night net, as he will be gone for a while. 
-  Ike talked about having a CPR class.
-	Ike and club members talked at length about Tulip Time.  It was pointed out that there are two separate entities in use; one being OCEC, providing communication for the Red Cross, and then a team of club members that provides direct communication for the Tulip Time parade officials.  It is to be confirmed, but it looks like both groups will require criminal background checks for volunteers.  It was pointed out that HARC provides volunteers directly to the Tulip Time parade officials and that it is OCEC’s responsibility to provide volunteers for the Red Cross communications.  In both cases, club members are encouraged to help out. 
-	Ike noted that we had applications to join the Red Cross as a volunteer available. 
-	Field Day. Ike will check with Ken Peery, N8AAE and Bryan Leenheer to head up the field day appointments. Kim, N8KAL volunteered to be the cook for the 6:00 p.m. supper, as he was last year.  This was very well received by the club members!
-	The MS Bike run is headed up by a group out of the east side of the state.  The HARC will encourage club members to volunteer.
-	The Parade of Lights will be headed up again this year by Ike, K8EMU. 
-	Club banquet.  It was brought up that the November banquet did not have enough people sign up.  It was also discussed that the club should not lose a club meeting, one designed for nominating of club officers.  There was considerable discussion, and it was decided that the November meeting should be a regular business meeting.  Mike, AC8GN then made a motion to have a club holiday dinner on the second Tuesday of January, at a location to be decided in the future.  This was seconded and approved. 
-	QRP in the park.  Ike noted that Jeff, KB8QAP will work with the Holland ARC to hold QRP in the park events.  The Holland ARC will publicize these events. 
-	Constitution Rewrite.  Ike will contact Rich, N8GGO to see if he would lead the charge to look at several changes that are needed in the Holland ARC’s constitution and bylaws. 
-	The club had a discussion about several items pertaining club membership.  Should we stay with the calendar year, should we look at prorating the amount throughout the year, like the Lowell radio club does.  Also discussed, but with no decision was whether we should have an associate membership and whether we should look at using Paypal.  It was pointed out that using Paypal for payment for membership would cost only $ 0.75. In addition, Paypal could be used for people who wish to donate to the club without becoming a member. 
-	Phil, K8PVH pointed out that the club should have a membership chairman to monitor the membership list. 
-	Ike then talked about a concern brought to his attention from one person that there seems to be a club split between a group concerned about communication and another group concerned with social activities. General consensus is that while a person may lean one way or another, that there was not a split in the club, and that both types are needed and desired.  The club members always come together when needed. 
-	Ike then asked for ideas from the membership for future club programs. Among the ideas brought up was a tour of the WGVU CH35 transmitter site, attempt the NWS office visit again, Jeff, KB8QAP presenting a QRP setup, Joe, N8FQ demonstrating FTA (Free-To-Air) KU band satellite operation and having technical demonstrations and training DVD’s. 
-	The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
- The program for the evening was a DVD video on the K5D Desecheo Island   DXpedition. 
		Submitted by Tom Bosscher, secretary, Holland ARC