Membership in the Holland Amateur Radio Club is open to any and all persons who have an interest in amateur radio.
Your dues support Club activities and keep our wide-coverage Repeaters on the air. Please click Membership for more information.
2025 Officers:
President: Ed Walters K8DI
Vice-President: Mike Koster K8NWN
Secretary: Kaitlin McLaughlin KD9NRB
Treasurer: Rich Anderson WA8MTI
Trustee Dave Lamers WA8RSA
Mailing address
Holland Amateur Radio Club
P.O Box 2104
Holland, MI 49422-2104
Meetings and Classes
The club holds general meetings on the second Tuesday of the month and E.A.T. (Education and Training) meetings are held on fourth Tuesday of the month, both at 6:30pm. Our location for both meetings is the Herrick Public Library, located at 300 S. River Avenue, Holland.
These meetings are open to anyone, club member or not, to attend.
This is a work in progress, so please contact any Club Officer with suggestions, additions and corrections.