How to become a member


Please consider supporting HARC by becoming a member. Regular membership is a low $25 per year, and a family membership (2 or more) is $ 35.00.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

1. Print out our  HARC-Membership Form

2. Fill it in…

3. Send the completed form with a check to our address on the application.


If you wish to pay for your membership using Paypal:

Click on the Paypal “Buy Now” Button below.

You can pay with a credit card, or Paypal direct.

Please enter your name and call in the

“special Instructions to the seller” area.

Regular membership is $ 25.00/yr, a family membership is $ 35.00 /yr, or if you wish, you may donate any amount. Please click on the yellow Paypal “Buy Now” button below and select the proper amount.

If the link below does not work on your browser, simply enter as the “Send money to” recipient on the Paypal page.

Membership Type

Paypal is a very secure website. HARC will not have any access to your credit card or Paypal account information.