We’re nothing without you…
If you haven’t already done so, please join the Holland Amateur Radio Club for another successful year by renewing your membership today. This club is active and growing and we need your support to keep the ball rolling. Where else can you have so much fun for so little cost? (We’re talking about the cost of membership, not your radios!) And how easy can it be to pay those dues? Just bring your $25 (single) or $35 (family) dues to the next meeting, OR mail it to Holland Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 2104, Holland, MI 49422-2104 OR you can use Paypal. Even if you don’t have a Paypal account, you can still pay online using your credit card. Details are on the membership page: https://www.k8daa.org/?page_id=2458.
The Holland Amateur Radio Club values your membership and your support. Thank you!
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