Category Archives: Uncategorized
Project Pictures # 1
Pictures and words from Jeff, KD8THX on the rebuild of the club’s DMR repeater. DMR Repeater KD8THX Nov 2020
Email List Server for the Holland ARC
The Holland ARC can be found on the email list server. If you would like to sign up, please go to: From there you will see “apply for membership” icon. Click on that and follow the instructions and … Continue reading
Buy? Sell? Swap? ~ Mailing List Subgroup!
The HARC has decided to split out “swap” messages into their own mailing list on A list has been set up so that anyone already subscribed to the main K8DAA group will be able to post by sending a message to … Continue reading
Holland ARC’s DMR Repeater is on the Air!
If you are interested in DMR, the Holland ARC has put a DMR repeater in service, co-located with the 147.06 and the analog UHF repeater at the Holland Community Hospital. Details: Rptr out 443.8875 Rptr in 448.8875 Color Code is … Continue reading
2018 Field Day photos and a video link
There is a PDF uploaded that has pictures of the 2018 field day. Holland ARC Field Day 2018 And Zach, KE8BSM has uploaded a great video to Youtube:
You have a parade? Need communications? We’ve got your back.
Here are 14 of the folks who helped out with the Tulip Time Parade medical communications on Wednesday, May 10, 2017. When all else fails, there is amateur radio.
Holland 2017 Field Day Pictures
Here is a short pictorial on this year’s Field Day. Thank you to all who participated. Holland Amateur Radio Club Field Day 2017
Online West Michigan Net List
Now you can subscribe to either calendar and get an alert on your computer or phone 5 minutes before a net starts. Both versions are the exact same so it doesn’t matter which calendar (Apple or Google) you subscribe to. … Continue reading
So you would like to get your amateur radio license?
Presented here is a simple PDF with several online links that can help you study for your first technician license, and upgrade to the general and extra class: So you want to get your license ?
K8DAA 2 meter repeater audio online…
You can listen to the Holland ARC’s 147.060 repeater audio on the Internet. The direct link is: This is found on the Radio Reference page for Ottawa County: Keep in mind that with steaming audio there is a … Continue reading