Tulip Time 2025 ~ Volunteers Needed!

A request from Todd Boss, W8YHF:

We are looking for volunteers to help out with medical communications for the 2025 Tulip Time parades. This is perhaps our best opportunity each year to represent amateur radio within our community, and we are providing a critical service to local residents and visitors. It’s also a great time!

ALL members of these organizations are eligible to participate:

  • Ottawa County Emergency Communications (OCEC)
  • Holland Amateur Radio Club (HARC)
  • North Ottawa Amateur Radio Club (NOARC)

Radio operators are paired up with one or more medical personnel and assigned a section of the parade route.  Once on station, we patrol and look for participants or spectators that are in need of medical assistance.  When we encounter a medical need, we relay information regarding the patient’s condition and location to Net Control.  Our Net Control operators work alongside public safety and emergency medical dispatchers, and ensure that help arrives as soon as possible.

This year’s parades are on Thursday, May 8th and Saturday, May 10th.  We usually meet around noon and are finished by a bit after 4pm on both days.  One change for this year’s event is that the Saturday parade will be shortened to end at Kollen Park (same end point as the Thursday parade).

If you’re interested in volunteering or have any questions, please email me at bossman.mi@gmail.com and let me know which parade(s) you’re available to help.

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2025 SKYWARN Spotter Training ~ March 20, 2025

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E.A.T. Topics ~ March 25 & April 22, 2025

Education and Training, “E.A.T.” meetings are the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 6:30pm, at the GroundWorks space (on the west side of the first floor) inside Herrick District Library, 300 S. River Ave., in Holland MI.  All registrants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Registration opens one month before the event.

Below are the topics of the video lectures, “Understanding Modern Electronics” by Professor Richard Wolfson of Middlebury College.   The course consists of 24 lectures that provide a conceptual explanation of the principles of how electrical circuits work and are used to control everyday devices in our modern world.  Components and topics that are covered include transformers, transistors, resistors, capacitors, diodes, semiconductors, Ohm’s Law, and analog and digital levels.

Lecture Topics

March 25 – Analog to Digital
Observe how circuit designers have formulated a wide array of schemes for converting analog signals to digitally encoded information. See how flash converters, integrating converters, and feedback converters use very different methods to accomplish the same goal, and weigh the situational costs and benefits of each.

April 22 – Your Future in Electronics
With some final tips, an introduction to the microcontroller, and a demonstration of an amazing circuit aimed at improving the efficiency of photovoltaic panels, Professor Wolfson leaves you with an enhanced appreciation for the complexity of essential modern electronics. You are now well equipped to embark on your own journey through the fascinating world of electronics!

Also keep an eye on the Herrick District Library website for upcoming events such as:

Tech Help Open Hours – weekly, 2P-4P see web page for dates.
Got a tech question you just can’t figure out? Need help with email on your phone? Drop in and ask us your questions. We can help you find out the answers.

Basic Circuit Board Design – Saturday, March 22, 10A-2P
One of the key concepts in electronics is the printed circuit board or PCB. It’s so fundamental that people often forget to explain what a PCB is. This workshop will breakdown what makes up a PCB, some of the common terms used in the PCB world, and show attendees how to design their own circuit board using the Fritzing PCB designing platform (FREE).

Quilted Dinosaur Cat Toys – Monday, March 31, 6:30P-8P.
(Just seeing if you’re paying attention, but this is for real.  The library has something for everyone!)

Holland Repair Cafe – Saturday, April 26, 10A-2P  Throw it away? No way!  Help keep items out of the landfill by learning skills to make your own repairs. You’ll also find tools and materials to help make repairs and connect with local community volunteers who have experience repairing clothes, textiles, and other household items.

If you have questions about amateur radio equipment, operating practices, licensing, test and measurement, or anything remotely related to amateur radio, this is the place to be.  And, for more information regarding anything connected to the E.A.T. meetings, please contact Jeff Nonhof, KD8THX, the program’s originator, leader, and just general guru of all things radio, computer, and electronics related.  (His email is on his QRZ webpage.)

HARC education and training sessions are open to the public and you do not need to be a HARC member or have an amateur radio license to attend.

For more information regarding the Herrick Public Library and to register for events, see their website:  https://herrickdl.org.

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HARC Membership Meeting ~ April 8, 2025

The Holland Amateur Radio Club will be holding our next membership meeting on April 8, 2025 at the Herrick Public Library.  If you haven’t been there, the library is located at 300 South River Avenue in Holland.  (In fact, the library is located at that address even if you have been there.)

As always, you need not be a member of the Holland Amateur Radio Club to attend any of our functions.  You don’t need to be a licensed operator – just have an interest in amateur radio.  Or just tag along with somebody who does.  But watch out, you could get hooked on the hobby.

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Ham in a Day ~ Next One is April 12, 2025

“Ham in a Day”  will be held on Saturday, April 12, August 9 and December 13, 2025.  This is an opportunity for anyone wishing to get their amateur radio technician license to study and take the exam all in one afternoon.  Directed study begins at 1:00PM and continues till 6:00PM, when the test will be given.  

The testing location is the Chick-Owa Sportsman’s Club located at 9279 E. Ottogan St., Holland, MI 49423.  Again, the “Ham in a Day” study hall begins at 1:00 PM, and the test session begins at 6:00 PM.

For registration and more information, go to:  http://tinyurl.com/holo-hiad-ve.  Cost for the Ham in a Day study session is $15.  After you pass your Technician exam, the results will be sent to the FCC, who will in turn send you an email with instructions on how to pay their $35 application fee to receive your license.  (The FCC charges $35 only for new licenses, renewals, and vanity call requests – not upgrades.  The Holland Amateur Radio Club does not charge for any paperwork whatsoever.)

Note:  This is a federal exam and the FCC requires you to have a Federal Registration Number (FRN.)  You can obtain your FRN before the test by going to this website:   https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do .  The FCC FRN process is simple and quite fast. 

In addition to the Ham in a Day students, anyone can arrive at 6:00 and take the technician, general, or extra class exam.  Please see the post regarding license testing for additional testing requirements.


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Amateur Radio License Testing ~ Next Test is April 12, 2025

On Saturday, April 12, August 9, November 8, and December 13, 2025, the Holland Amateur Radio Club will be holding licensing exams for anyone wishing to obtain or upgrade their amateur radio license.  The testing session will begin at 6:00 p.m.  The Holland ARC has no charge for any testing; however, the FCC does charge a $35 application fee for new licenses.  Upon passing your Technician exam, the FCC will email you instructions for payment.  (This $35 fee also applies to license renewals and vanity call requests, but not upgrades.)  No Morse code is required for any grade license. 

The testing location is the Chick-Owa Sportman’s Club, located at 9279 E. Ottogan St., Holland, MI 49423.  Again, the test session begins at 6:00 p.m.

For registration and more information, please go: http://tinyurl.com/holo-hiad-ve

What to bring with you:  If available, bring a legal photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport.  If no legal photo ID is available, bring 2 pieces of legal ID.  Anyone 18 years old or younger must have a parent or legal guardian present for the entire testing session.  IMPORTANT… If you currently hold a ham radio license, bring the license and a copy of the license to the test session.  (Copy will be sent in with the testing results.)   

Note:  This is a federal exam and the FCC requires you to have a Federal Registration Number (FRN.)  You can obtain your FRN before the test by going to this website:  https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do.  The FCC FRN process is simple and quite fast. 

For further information on license testing, please email Bob Broene, K8RJB, at k8rjb[dot]ham[at]gmail.com

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HARC Antenna Work Performed…

Mike, K8NWN, did about three hours of tower work recently on the 30 foot tower on top of the Warm Friend building downtown Holland. The top, off frequency antenna was taken down and side mounted for the Tulip Time Committee’s repeater, an X50 was put on top, (for the 147.50/146.50 repeater) and a 3 VHF element beam, pointed to the end of the Tulip Time parade route was installed, with a colocated UHF beam, to run the temporary remote receiver to the 147.06 repeater for Tulip Time.

If you hear or see Mike, say a lot of thank you’s for his work.

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We’re nothing without you…

If you haven’t already done so, please join the Holland Amateur Radio Club for another successful year by renewing your membership today.  This club is active and growing and we need your support to keep the ball rolling.  Where else can you have so much fun for so little cost?  (We’re talking about the cost of membership, not your radios!)  And how easy can it be to pay those dues?  Just bring your $25 (single) or $35 (family) dues to the next meeting, OR mail it to Holland Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 2104, Holland, MI 49422-2104 OR you can use Paypal.  Even if you don’t have a Paypal account, you can still pay online using your credit card. Details are on the membership page:  https://www.k8daa.org/?page_id=2458.

The Holland Amateur Radio Club values your membership and your support.  Thank you!

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Our HARC Logo!

In case you haven’t heard, the Holland Amateur Radio Club has a new logo! We’ll be using this new logo on T-Shirts, caps, hoodies, desktop backgrounds, screensavers, and anything else you can stick a logo on! HARC would like to thank Rob and Christina NR8J and KJ8FIZ for making this beautiful new logo for HARC. Rob has asked us to share the designs here so people can check it out and download them for their desktop or screensaver if they so wish. Please enjoy.  There are 4 file types for you to choose from: TIFF, PDF, PNG, and JPEG. Click on link and right click to Save Image

PDF Version

JPG Version

TIFF Version

PNG Version

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HARC on Facebook

The Holland Amateur Radio club is on Facebook!  It’s where to go for the latest news, ideas, questions, and comments.


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